McMillion Creative is stabled with the unicorns through March! The ink is now dry on a full-time commission for copywriting and general creative services, as part of the social media team at DigitasLBi’s Gothenburg office. The assignment involves contributing content to the social media channels of global brands.

Coffee Table Book: Det Andra Göteborg

GOTHENBURG, NEBRASKA — the only other Gothenburg in the world. It boasts a canal, an avenue, and a woman in power. But the similarities end there.

Tentatively scheduled for pre-release in July 2015, Det Andra Göteborg (English title: “The Other Gothenburg”) features 21 portraits of denizens of Gothenburg, Nebraska, as seen and portrayed by two denizens of Gothenburg, Sweden.


Pitch Film for a new Movie project

With our no-budget labor of love, Mamma Therese, in the can, it was time for an idea with the potential to attract investment for a full-budget production.

That idea is Taking Offense — a 15 minute drama-comedy based on the controversial premise that ideology is a form of selective perception, and may cause blindness to things of deeper value.
